Abenomics Failure gold Japan Nikkei 225 Jumat, 28 Maret 2014 Abenomics Crash and Burn On December 29, 2012, I wrote that Abenomics would fail (please refer to: Here's Why A Weak Yen Will Destroy Japan ). One year later th...
expansionism Georgia NATO Putin ukraine Washington Post Rabu, 26 Maret 2014 Propaganda and Russia The propaganda coming out of the mass media is ridiculous. Recent news stories appearing on all major US news sites continually speak of ...
08.36.00 Reflections on the first International Congress on Internet Addiction Disorders - Cultural and Clinical Perspectives Internet addiction is a global and rapidly evolving disorder. I just returned from the first International Congress on Internet Addiction Di...
craftsmanship professionalism skills wood shop Senin, 17 Maret 2014 Professionalism is Craftsmanship: Years of Effort, Dedication and Experience Professionalism is the same as craftsmanship: work on it and strive for it everyday and, one day, those specialized skills will reward you h...
Afghanistan crimea Iraq Russia russian troops US presidential elections US troops vote Minggu, 16 Maret 2014 US Government Hypocrisy: Rejects Crimea Voter Turnout at 79% - US Presidential Turnout Much Less But OK! Even though the people of Crimea have turned out in massive numbers and, reportedly, voted overwhelmingly to join Russia tomorrow, the US Ma...
anarchy grandmother dies Japan rail system privately run trains Roomba Roomba TV commercial. subways trains Selasa, 11 Maret 2014 Recent Ramblings: Anarchism, Death and Vacuum Cleaners Lots of things I've been thinking about recently... Yesterday, when I told a group of journalists visiting Japan that I am an anarchist,...
anarchast anarchy Jeff Berwick Mike in Tokyo Rogers 13.00.00 My Interview about Anarchy on Anarchast TV with Jeff Berwick I was on "Anarchast" from Mexico. Subject is Anarchy with world-famous entreprenuer and talk-show host Jeff Berwick: http://bit.ly...
Bitcoin Dorian Nakamoto Newsweek magazine samurai ancestors Satoshi nakamoto Senin, 10 Maret 2014 "I am Not Dorian Nakamoto" The idea that the 64-year-old Japanese guy living in California was the lone engineer that wrote the code for Bitcoin is ludicrous. I work w...
addiction attachment Medication Mind & Life mindfulness neurobiology newsletter opioids pharmacology relationships treatment Minggu, 09 Maret 2014 March 2014 Newsletter It has been a while since the last newsletter. What with holidays, the start of the new academic year, a revamp of the program I run and var...
anime Bitcoin Mish Shedlock newsweek. poke-mon Samurai Kamis, 06 Maret 2014 I Think Newsweek Has the Wrong Guy With This Satoshi Nakamoto.... Here's Why... (This blog post was inspired by: Is Bitcoin Legal? Illegal? a Currency? a Commodity? ) I read the Newsweek article concerning "discove...