Alcohol News - 18/2010

ABC Online (Australia) - Government urged to boost cask wine tax
An alcohol control group says the Federal Government needs to take on the wine lobby and introduce a volumetric tax on alcohol.

Herald Sun (Australia) - Get the booze out of sport says Victorians
Four out of every five Victorians want an end to sponsorship of local sports clubs by alcohol and junk food companies, VicHealth research has shown.

HemOncToday - Diabetes, alcohol use most common risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma
More than one-third of hepatocellular carcinomas were attributed to diabetes, and nearly one-fourth of diagnoses were associated with alcohol use, according to the results of an analysis of the SEER-Medicare database.

France24 (Bahrain) - Bahrain votes to ban alcohol for Muslims
Bahrain on Monday inched closer to imposing a ban on Muslims drinking or trading in alcohol in the Gulf kingdom, a favourite watering-hole of Saudis who use a causeway linking the two Arab neighbours.

European Public Health Alliance (EU) - 4th European Alcohol Policy Conference
After three successful conferences that took place in 2004 (Warsaw), in 2006 (Helsinki) and 2008 (Barcelona), Eurocare chose Brussels to hold the fourth conference in order to involve an audience as wide as possible. - Women Who Have Abortions Four Times More Likely to Abuse Drugs, Alcohol
A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Manitoba finds women who have had abortions are about four times more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol as those who carried their pregnancy to term. The authors confirmed a link between abortion and the substance abuse issues.

New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - Increase in alcohol excise tax 'extremely unlikely' – Power
The Law Commission has called on the Government to raise the excise tax on alcohol by 50 per cent but the Justice Minister says that is "extremely unlikely".

Daily Mail (UK) - Motorists should not be allowed to drink ANY alcohol before they drive, say nurses
Drivers should not be allowed to drink any alcohol before getting behind the wheel, nurses said yesterday.

Earthtimes - Most medicines and alcohol don't mix
Combining alcohol with prescription drugs can have harmful effects on the body. If you are prescribed a medicine consult your doctor and ask if drinking alcohol is allowed in combination with your therapy.,most-medicines-and-alcohol-dont-mix.html

IceNews (Denmark) - Young Danes dying from alcohol abuse
A new study has confirmed the image of heavy drinking Danes, with reports of 25 youths dying from alcohol abuse since 2002.

YLE News (Finland) - Swedish Speakers More Permissive towards Alcohol than Finns
Swedish-speaking parents are more relaxed about their children’s alcohol use than their Finnish-speaking counterparts, according to a new study. However, boozing appears to be a greater problem among Finnish-speaking youths.

Irish Times (Ireland) - Industry cool on proposals to restrict alcohol sales
THE DRINKS industry has expressed concern about new proposals to restrict the sale of alcohol which are emerging as part of the Government’s strategy for tackling substance abuse.

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