Burger King Japan introduces the "All You Can Eat Whopper" campaign.

Now, really. When you stop to think about this... It is really disgusting.

Asahi.com news has announced: From yesterday September 16th until October 15th Burger King Japan has introduced their new promotional campaign for Japan. For ¥750 yen, you can eat all the Burger King Whoppers you like within a 30 minute period.


I think this campaign is basically a "Eat 'til you puke" type of concept.

What kind of an idiot thought of this?

In Japan, it is well-known that, generally, if you do not capture the imagination of women, you aren't going to make it. I think that a campaign like will not only NOT capture the imagination of the women in this country (a country that is constantly in diet-craze mode) but it will be a massive turn-off. Burger King people... If you don't go for the women in Japan, then might as well close up shop right now... Fat Japanese guys will probably setlle for convenience store bento, thank you. 

Just the sound of this campaign "smells" bad.

This kind of campaign might go pretty well in some places in the USA where obesity is the norm, but in Japan, this sort of campaign will just turn people off.  

Burger King had shops in Japan before but they went bankrupt... I think with campaigns like this, they will probably go bankrupt again.

I asked my Japanese wife what she thought of this and she said, "Who is going to eat that? Nobody!" My 6-year-old son said, "That makes me want to throw up."

Yes. This is an idiot promotion. If Burger King had any brains or a promotion company that understood Japan at all, they be doing something else like just giving away a thousand burgers to the first 1000 customers or something. It is basic and common sense that, after any sort of food, music, entertainment, whatever, you always leave with the audience wanting more....

With all-you-can-eat Whoppers you will leave with the audience wanting to throw up and never even wanting to smell those burgers again. This promotion is a royal FAIL! 

Thanks to my good friend Graham Carpenter for turning me onto this.


Keywords: Burger King, Mike Rogers, Hamburger, Marketing Japan, Whopper, Mike in Tokyo Rogers, all-you-can-eat

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