Which is more "Rock and Roll," Denny's or Hard Rock Cafe?

The pop up ad for the Hard Rock Cafe says:

Hard Rock Cafewww.HardRock.com
Rock 'n' Roll Fun For The Whole Family-Legendary Burgers and Bands.

Isn't that just totally lame? "Rock and Roll fun for the whole family!?" What ever happened to Rock and Roll being dangerous music?

Which is more "Rock and Roll," Denny's or Hard Rock Cafe? You decide.

The last interesting thing that ever happened in Rock music was the Punk movement of the late 1970's; even that was a flash in the pan. Rock music is boring.

At least they admitted that they were bored

No wonder kids today don't care about it. Rock is pretentious, boring, and for old people.

Like the quote by the one and only Joe Sobran in a recent blog:

"Sometime in the Sixties rockers began posing as disgruntled artists, mad at the world and all that; in the Nineties AND TODAY this pose remains a rigid convention of a highly artificial genre that pretends to smash conventions and refuses to admit it’s artificial at all."

That someplace like the Hard Rock Cafe would advertise itself as "Fun for the Whole Family" just shows how lame and totally uncool it is. 

Call the Hard Rock Cafe the, "Denny's of Rock Cafes" 

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