Silver Price Recovery Begins Tomorrow May 9, 2011

Just had a friend in China tell me on the phone that the rumor is that central bank of the Chinese Republic (PRC) is going to start buying heavily into physical silver - and demanding delivery - starting first thing tomorrow am. This rumor is going around financial circles in China, Shanghai and Hong Kong and it is also rumored that this will be a process that starts slowly beginning tomorrow May 9, 2011.

Parabolic rises are traditionally followed by a price drop reflecting the rise. But, traditionally we didn't have massive USD debt, money printing, QE2 (QE3 will be announced before summer) and, the big one; we didn't have a publicly announced policy by the People's Republic of China to buy precious metals.

The resurgence of silver's price could be tomorrow.... At least that's what my little birdie tells me. 

Could it be that I am being manipulated to spread disinformation? I doubt it. There are only 5,000 readers a day to this blog.... You'd think they'd go somewhere else if they wanted to spread hype.... Or maybe they are.

My personal opinion is that it is now the time to get back into the pool and start buying. If the price continues to drop, dollar cost average your price out. Silver is not going too much lower and the fundamentals (since 2008) haven't changed. 

You in the game or not? 

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