Probably everyone has heard the story about General Motors Automobile Company dropping all their Facebook advertising because no one clicks on Facebook ads? Yeah?
Well, perhaps it isn't a problem with Facebook. Perhaps it's a problem with what is being advertised and how it is being presented. I mean, who wants to click on an Internet ad just to see some dumb commercial that you can see on TV? Not me. I hate TV!
Well here's an ad you won't see on TV - ever! And it really caught my eye! I was just reading stuff at Zerohedge and saw an ad for, get ready for it.... Dating with Shemales!
There it is, on the left!
Well, I clicked it and it's for real. It is a dating service for men and women and people who might like Shemales.... Ultimately, I gather it is a dating service for people who are very open-minded and not judgmental about what other people do in their bedrooms - quite unlike the weirdoes and fascists who think it's their business what other people do.
Well, I don't care what other people do and I am happy to see a community of people who seem to feel the same.
My thinking about this? I have enough of my own problems to worry about without having to worry about someone else's problems (or what they do inside of their own homes!) -- Especially someone I don't even know.
I hope someone can become happy through a dating service or any of the other old-fashioned ways. Lord knows we could use all the happiness we can get in this world!
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