addiction alcohol abuse teen drinking underage drinking Senin, 29 Oktober 2012 Teenage Binge Drinking – The Facts Teenagers who regularly consume 5+ alcoholic beverages in one sitting fall under the binge drinker label. Teen binge drinking prevention can...
alcohol addiction alcohol addiction help effects of alcohol Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012 Reversing The Effects Of Alcohol Long term heavy drinking can cause severe damage to the brain and liver while creating additional health risks. The amount of damage inflict...
alcoholic signs of an alcoholic Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012 Am I An Alcoholic? Alcohol addiction or alcoholism is a chronic disorder defined by excessive, persistent, and uncontrollable alcohol intake, resulting in phys...
rehab and recovery rehab experience Senin, 15 Oktober 2012 Making The Most Of Your Rehab Experience Following rehab, patients often find themselves with an assortment of hardships and obstacles to overcome. Whether the addiction lies in alc...
alcohol effects alcohol issues Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012 Alcohol’s Effect On Homeostasis Our body’s ability to maintain equilibrium, or homeostasis, is a wondrous trait, which allows us to survive an array of varying conditions w...
helping an alcoholic how to Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012 How To Approach An Alcoholic In addition to its numerous health risks, alcoholism is a dangerous psychological disease. Not only does alcoholism pose a heightened risk f...