Global Warming and Increasing Co2 Dump Nearly 9 inches (22 cm) of Snow on Tokyo in Less Than 24 Hours

Global Warming and Climate Change have become the critical issue of our times. The changes are coming quicker and quicker. The last 24 hours makes two weeks in a row that Tokyo has set records for snowfall in February. I'm now convinced! The government must increase our taxes so that they can fix the climate like they've fixed our economy. 

From Tokyo Today: 3 dead, 494 injured as heavy snow hits most of Japan:

TOKYO — The heaviest snow in two decades struck Tokyo and other areas across Japan on Saturday, leaving three dead and nearly 500 others injured in 29 prefectures, reports said. More than 740 flights were grounded as the weather agency issued a severe storm warning for the capital, while more than 40,000 households lost power. As much as 22 centimeters of snow was recorded Saturday afternoon in Tokyo, topping 20 centimeters for the first time since 1994, the meteorological agency and news reports said.

Catch that first line. Let me repeat it for you:

The heaviest snow in two decades struck Tokyo and other areas across Japan...

Let me repeat if for you in bold type letters:

The heaviest snow in two decades struck Tokyo and other areas across Japan...

Well, I'm not sure about all of Tokyo and most of Japan, but I am sure that this is the most snow I have ever witnessed in the Tokyo Yokohama area in 30 years and....

My back patio... I guess there's no BBQ nor lounging around there today!

It's the first time in 15 years of living here that there has been so much snow that I cannot open my front gate. This makes massive snow storms now two weeks running...

Well, OK, I did force the front gate open and took these photos for you. This is my front patio area.

THis is up the street. Don't worry lady, they aren't coming to pick up the trash today! Not in this heavy snow, they aren't... This makes two Saturdays in a row for that too! 

Don't worry lady, no trash pick up today!

Maybe I should get my car out from under the snow...

... So that I can drive around and take photos for dear reader of the winter wonderland...

But, then again, maybe I won't be taking the car out. Nobody else will either, even if they have snow tires... No one is going anywhere in this snow.

As everyone knows, and it goes without argument, consideration or debate that, Global Warming (now called "Climate Change") causes the world to get warmer and colder.

Some will claim that 95% of the World's Scientists All Agree that the world is getting warmer and it is the fault of man. How could any thinking person argue with this?

As a simpleton drunk, with extensive experience with snow and cold, I do have a problem with this or that. But who am I to argue with consensus? 

Full disclosure: I lived most of my childhood in Minnesota and never remember it snowing heavily when it was warm. But what do children know? We need to fix this problem for the children! 

....Like we've fixed everything else in today's world! Ask yourself: "Haven't we done enough?"

UPDATE FROM RT NEWSThe snow blanketed Tokyo with 27 centimeters of snow on Saturday morning, local media said, adding that it the heaviest snowfall the capital has seen in 45 years. While Kofu in the Yamanashi Prefecture, west of Tokyo, saw a record snowfall of 91 centimeters since observations began 120 years ago. (

Read here about 31,000 scientists as well as 9,029 with PhDs, who think the earth is flat here.

Last night... The photos I took this morning were after the snow had already started to melt. 
Photo thanks to Michio Hashimoto

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