Be Skeptical of Everything!

You need to be skeptical of everything. 

As I always say: "80% of everything you see on TV is bullshit. The other 20% are commercials."

I remember in my university days, getting high constantly at the dorms because, what else was there to do? There was this guy named Tim there at the time. I thought Tim was some sort of brain damage; he certainly looked a bit crazy with his always messed up curly hair... Kind of like what that Peanuts character Pigpen would have looked like as a university student... Tim looked and acted crazy; but, since he was harmless, and also liked Punk Rock, we let him hang around.

One day, while I was in a very, er, "enlightened mood," Tim walked up to me, and in a very serious and stern manner looked me straight in the eyes, pointed at me, and said, "Everything.... you..... know...... is..... wrong!" Then he smirked, paused, turned around and walked away.

Like I said, I thought he was crazy, but not dangerous crazy. It confused me at first, but then I laughed at him... Nutcase!

Hell, who would guess that 40 years later, I'd realize that the guy was right?

At that time, I believed the history books at school and the stuff on TV... But, I'll be damned, Tim was right; it was all wrong.

Now, after reading books and doing some research on my own (rather than being told what to think at school) I know the truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor.... I know the Lusitania was carrying arms... Most definitely the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty, Kennedy was killed in a conspiracy and I don't believe Oswald acted alone... 

And I definitely do not believe Bush or Obama have a brain… OK. That last one is a joke. They both have a brain: they have someone else assigned to do their thinking for them. 

The moon landing though? Walking on the moon? 1969? 45 years ago? Sure. I believe that one too! 

Lessee... The moon is about 225,000 miles away. The Int'l Space Station is 200 miles in orbit and today the USA doesn't have the ability to send a rocket there! Think about that! 

So we're supposed to believe that the USA sent a manned rocket to the moon, 225,000 miles away and back nearly 50 years ago but we can't send a rocket up 200 miles to the International Space station today? Hmmm? How does that work? 

OK, let's play a mind game! Imagine it's 1904. A few people have designed cars with the internal combustion engine and they construct them... Most of these cars can do about 18 miles an hour. They even have races against horses to see which is faster! 

One day, though, some of these car designers say that they have a new car that goes over 1500 miles per hour! They even have pictures and witnesses to claim that they saw it do so! These witnesses were there! 

But then, poof! As quick as it appeared, it disappears.... No sign of the car ever again. It just vanishes leaving no trace… 

50 years later and no one ever saw that car again. It's disappeared, poof, kaput, vanished, vaporized, extinct, gone; no old body chassis to examine at the museum, no parts, no engine, no tires, no driver. 


Oh, and the old photos of the car have been lost forever. So, I'm still supposed to, though, believe that this car existed?

1904 Rolls Royce. Incredible! 
This car drove to the moon and back! Can you believe it?

You need to be skeptical of everything. 

As I always say: "80% of everything you see on TV is bullshit. The other 20% are commercials."

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