Astounded by Average American Attitudes Toward North Korea

The North Korea and Sony Pictures and Obama Administration nonsense just amazes me. Because of this recent episode, the US mass media has decided to distract the easily distracted American public away from the issues that actually do matter to them again.... For the umpteenth millionth time.

Instead of looking at things that really matter to the US population, the mass media has Americans back to bashing Kim Dim Son again. It gets tiring.

What astounds me the most about this is that average Americans seem to take some sort of bizarre pleasure in ridiculing North Korea; it's as if they make themselves feel better by bashing North Korea and its "leadership." Sorry, folks, Americans don't have a leg to stand on when making fun of North Korea; especially in the area of political leadership and criminal behavior. 

Both countries are run by psychopathic megalomaniacs that do not differ in kind but in degree only. Yes. Degree only. 

North Korea doesn't run a worldwide empire. North Korea didn't carpet bomb US cities in the 1950s killing massive numbers of civilians, women and children, like the USA did when the USA bombed hospitals, dams and schools in North Korea; North Korea hasn't started wars of aggression or invaded bombed or attempted to overthrow more than 60 nations since 1945; North Korea is not bombing, maiming, orphaning and killing brown skinned children in 7 nations in the Middle East 24/7, like the USA does today... 

There is one area though where the USA and North Korea do greatly resemble each other though: Both are lead by family dynasties who control the political arena: North Korea has the Kim family; the USA has the Bushes and the Clintons.... 

Yeah, all a barrel of laughs!

You never make yourself look better by ridiculing someone else.... How Americans are so ignorant and arrogant that they can make themselves feel better by ridiculing a basket case like North Korea is simply amazing. Of course North Korean leader Kim Jung Un is a criminal and a clown... But America making fun of this guy is like a 900-pound gorilla bullying and beating up a skinny, scrawny, asthmatic 90 pound weakling.

Immaturity and propaganda of North Korea or the USA? Which is funnier or more ironic? I'm not sure.

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