Alcohol News - 31/2016

EurActiv - Study: Alcohol advertising and adolescent drinking are linked
Adolescent drinking culture is linked to young people’s exposure to various types of alcohol advertising, a new study has found.
Irish Independent (Ireland) - Surge in Irish women with liver disease caused by alcohol
Liver specialist Professor Frank Murray said young, working Irish women have shown the biggest increase in liver disease caused by an attitude of “recklessness” towards alcohol.
Medical Daily - How Alcohol Affects Your Lungs: Binge Drinking May Lead To Breathing Problems
Binge drinking may be the reason it's hard to catch your breath. Alcohol affects nearly every major organ in the human body, including the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, and kidneys, but a team of researchers from Loyola University has found it can also make it harder for the lungs to breathe. (New Zealand) - Things the alcohol industry won’t tell you about alcohol
New Zealand’s leading experts in public health and alcohol harm, Professor Jennie Connor and Professor Doug Sellman, will be in Tauranga to present on behalf of the Alcohol Action NZ group the evidence that alcohol directly causes cancer.
New York Times - Tell Consumers How Many Calories There are in Alcohol
The average 12-ounce beer has 153 calories, slightly more than a can of Coca-Cola. But the typical beer drinker probably doesn’t know that, because regulators have long exempted alcohol producers from stamping their products with the kinds of nutritional labels that are required on other beverages and on food.
Business Standard - Sophomores with mental health issues may use alcohol
High school students or sophomores with mental health issues were more likely to use alcohol, tobacco and marijuana compared to those without symptoms, a study has revealed.
The Guardian (UK) - Minister wants to tackle excessive alcohol consumption at UK airports
A crackdown on the sale of alcohol at British airports is being considered by the new aviation minister amid a spate of incidents involving drunk passengers. - Tanzania: If You Are On Medication, Stay Away From Alcohol
One of the most frequent questions that I am asked concerns the dilemma of mixing alcohol and medication. Someone might ask if it is okay to have some beer in the evening after they took a certain type of medication in the morning.
Huffington Post UK - How Alcohol Affects Your Brain When You’re Drunk
When you drink alcohol, the ethanol is absorbed into your blood stream through your stomach lining or small intestine. Your liver is responsible for filtering out this ethanol and breaking it down, so your body can safely get rid of it.
The Hindu (India) - Incidence of Alcoholic Liver Disease is on the rise
There has been a great increase in the incidence of Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD) in Coastal Andhra Pradesh, said city based gastroenterologist Nalini Prasad Ippela. Dr. Prasad who heads the Gastroenterology Department in the Ramesh Group of Hospitals, says 30 to 40 per cent of the liver ailment patients in the Coastal Districts were suffering from ALD.
WebMD - Alcohol, Obesity Could Up Esophageal Cancer Risk
Drinking plus being overweight may be a bad combo when it comes to risks for the two most common types of esophageal cancer, a new report warns.
ConsumerAffairs - Access to drugs and alcohol in adolescence leads to continued abuse
It’s no secret that children often form habits that they observe in their parents. Whether it’s a certain way of talking, how they express their emotions, or cleanliness habits, you can usually draw some parallels between generations.
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Medscape - Updated Guidelines for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Updated clinical guidelines for diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, field-tested in evaluations of 10,000 children in the United States, South Africa, and Europe, provide more detail on learning and behavioral deficits and include a new flowchart and a photographic guide for lip and philtrum morphology.
South African Broadcasting Corporation (South Africa) - W Cape re-introduces breathalyser alcohol testing system
The breathalyzer alcohol testing system for motorists, previously known as the Drager, is on Monday expected to be re-introduced in the Western Cape.
FRANCE 24 (India) - Indian women on frontline of battle against alcohol
Alcohol consumption in India claims a life every 96 minutes. As alcohol-related violence also continues to rise, women are at the forefront of a war against alcohol in the country.
Ukraine Today (Ukraine) - Alcohol, narcotics and negligence kill Ukrainian soldiers no worse than Russian army
Ukrainian army lost three soldiers due to non-combat factors in the past 24 hours, country's military prosecutor Anatoly Matios said in an interview with 112 channel on July 29, 2016.

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