Time to Quit Facebook for Me!

At a party: Mr. Groupon, I'd like to introduce my friend Mr. Facebook... Mr. Facebook, meet Mr. Groupon... I'm sure you both have much in common and will have plenty to talk about...."

Folks. I've decided to quit Facebook (I've never done Groupon!)


There’s lots of reasons but the biggest one is that Facebook is a pain in the ass and not user friendly. The second reason is that Facebook seems to be getting more and more like the comments section of webpages where idiots write asinine stuff and constantly flame each other. What fun is it to read that kind of stupidity?
Other reasons to dislike Facebook?
I also get far too many notices and photos that I don't care about from people - even when I stop all notifications, they still come (it’s a bug, folks!) I think it’s a sort of SPAM.
I get invitations to parties from people I don't know who live 3,000 miles away from me. Yeah, right... I’ll be there! Did I mention anything about SPAM? I did? OK.
Facebook is a waste of time. 
Facebook isn't cool or fun anymore . My last day will be 5/26/12. People who want to contact me can do so at this blog. Actually, I've wanted to quit for a long time and, now that I have finally decided to quit... I feel better.

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