Getting the Most Out of Your AA Experience

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is based on the idea that an individual may enjoy recovery following addiction through the process of letting go of aspects in their life they are unable to control, having faith in a higher power and living “in the moment”. If you are seeking recovery from alcoholism, Alcoholics Anonymous may be an option to consider. As they like to say in the program, “it works if you work it.” Learn how below! 


1 - Locate AA meetings that are close to work and home and attend them regularly. If you are new to recovery and the program, it’s recommended you attend meetings daily for the first 90 days, if at all possible.

2 – Choose and secure a sponsor. Sponsors are longtime AA members with experience in recovery and stability that can guide you through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous while promoting your progress along the way.

3 – Get involved! Volunteer for a service position within your alcohol 12 step program. AA service positions can be anything from representing your chapter at the national service organization to leading meetings. The more involved you are, the more you will get out of your involvement.

4 – Dive into the “Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous” on a daily basis. This applies especially on days when you are unable to make a meeting.

5 – Recite the Serenity Prayer when you feel upset or when triggers present themselves. This will help return your focus to the positive in the present.

6 – Life goes one day at a time. Address your recovery accordingly.

7 – Don’t be afraid to contact fellow AA members when you require assistance. The community is in place for a reason – use it when necessary. 

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