Life After Rehab

Rehabilitation from drug or alcohol addiction can last for weeks, sometimes months. Following treatment, patients must learn to cope with real world experiences and settings in order to ensure a healthy and long-lasting recovery. In this entry we will outline some of the challenges ahead, alongside strategies to help you through the transition.  


Aftercare is an important, even vital aspect of the recovery process. Types of aftercare can range from group and individual counseling sessions to education and 12-step programs such as AA.

12-Step Groups

Participation in 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous is highly encouraged for those recovering from alcohol and drug abuseissues. Most specialists recommend attendance at one of these programs daily for the first 90 days of post-rehabilitation recovery. Not only will your attendance promote a focus on your sobriety, and healthy interaction amongst others who have been through similar situations.

Living Arrangements

Though many patients choose to return home following rehabilitation, others may benefit from the additional support of a transitional living program or halfway house. These programs serve as a means for addicts to move smoothly back towards normal life without the stress involved with full immersion. Residents are generally required to obtain and maintain employment, pay bills, and complete household chores.


Temptation is an inevitable part of the recovery process. Whether through relationships, old haunts or experiences, temptation will often pop up at some point during the transition back to normal life. Preparation and awareness is key to ensuring that these temptations remain temptations, and not a full-scale relapse.


It’s not uncommon for friends and family members of an addict to feel some level of resentment, anger or disappointment following rehabilitation. Trust must be reestablished and cultivated in order to move forward from the experience. Some addicts may be forced to find new friends who support and encourage their recovery.

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