Alcohol Drug Detox – Medication Types

Alcohol drug detox is perhaps the most physically demanding aspect of the withdrawal process. Those going through withdrawal are at risk for experiencing nausea, seizures, vomiting and anxiety. Due to the severity of these side effects, many specialists who oversee medical detox clinics offer prescription medications to minimize the discomfort and risks. In the following entry, we will outline a few of the more common medications used in alcohol detox facilities.


An anti-psychotic, Haldol is prescribed to patients suffering from schizophrenia and dementia. Heavey alcohol users going through withdrawal are at risk for experiencing alcohol induced delirium, which can include hallucinations and even death. The drug serves in lowering the death risk in delirium patients while reducing cravings.


Benzodiazepines are prescribed to some patients as a way to combat seizures and anxiety. Alcoholics who binge multiple times a week are especially prone to seizures, and are more at risk than individuals who have relapsed numerous times. Common Benzodiazepines, including Valium and Xanax work to heighten the seizure threshold, thus minimizing the risk of a medical emergency during medical detox. In addition, these medications work to help patients sleep, combating the insomnia common in many alcohol detox patients.

Beta Blockers

Beta blockers are most commonly used in patients who also suffer from heart disease. Many patients experience an increased heart rate during the detoxification process, leading to potential cardiac arrest. Beta blockers are thus prescribed as a means to slow the heart rate while alleviating the blood pressure increase. Some physicians will combine Beta blockers with additional medications, such as Dilatin to help control various side effects associated with the nervous system.


If you’re searching for additional information regarding a California alcohol rehab stay, your best option is to get in touch with a local addiction specialist to determine the best course of action. He or she will be able to assess the situation at hand, while providing insight as to your available options.

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