The Police are Above the Law in the USA and Japan


Below is a video about police abuse of the their positions of authority and brazen disregard of the law. The top video is about what goes on in the Florida in the United States. But it there anyone who could be so naive to think that Japan is different? It is an abuse that comes with the badge. The second video is about police negligence and incompetence in Japan that resulted in the deaths of two people. The deaths resulted in the "dismissal" of a police officer (who, in fact, gets to keep his job!) Read on!

Protecting society by being on the lookout for vicious criminals 
not wearing seat belts or with burnt out lights 

This is, once again, an indictment of government and the police.

In the video below, here are some shocking statistics:

* In Florida between 2004 ~ 2010 there were 230 accidents by police officers          speeding
* In those accidents, 21 people were killed or maimed and 7 of those were police
* A 2010 Department of Transportation report says that nothing kills police more than car crashes
* 44% increase in police driven car accidents since 2000

I'd like to find a video or news report about Japanese traffic police abusing their authority, and I looked, but even though everyone knows these things go on, even if there were a report, Japanese TV stations probably won't broadcast it. They don't want to piss off the government. 

CHIBA MURDER CASE UPDATE: But, here's another one relating to yesterday's story about the dumb police section chief and 11 of his officers taking a vacation when a father reported that a stalker of his daughter had threatened to kill him and his wife in order to get the daughter. They wanted to go on vacation so they told him to come back in ten days and then report the incident.

Off to vacation they went. The stalker then killed the man's wife and another family member. Well done, Sherlock!

In an update to this story by Japan Today, the only penalty for this negligence by a public servant that resulted in the deaths of two people is that the head of the police section was dismissed. If negligence by a peasant like you or me resulted in the deaths of two people, you could bet that we'd be looking at a possible prison sentence. A policeman? Dismissal. Bet you a donut he still gets his total retirement package too. But it gets worse, folks...

Let's not misunderstand what "Dismissal" means. It doesn't mean he was fired and lost his job. It means he was dismissed from his section. He is now in another section. It's happened many times before here in Japan. He will be back at his position within 6 months to 3 years. Like I said, this has happened many times before.

Two laws on the books. Two sets of rules. One for slaves, peasants and mundanes! One for the rulers!

A friend and I drive through downtown Tokyo once or twice every week. We see the police all the time and were talking about this very subject on Tuesday. 

To get a bit off subject, in the last few years, there has been a marked increase in Parking Meter police and Policing of the streets in Tokyo as well as police stops and random checks of cars at night. I think it is foolish to believe that these police and highly increased police presences is to protect the public and make our streets safer. No, in a time of a sagging economy and a government doing anything it can to refill it coiffures, these increased police patrols and stops are not for public safety but are a backdoor tax.

You can witness these tax agents dressed as police hiding at stop signs in neighborhoods waiting for some schmuck to not come to a full and complete stop at said stop sign... If you don't stop completely, then woe be to you. Mr. tax policeman is about to give you a ¥15,000 (about $180 ticket!)... All, of course, in the name of public safety mind you. 

As I mentioned, my friend and I were discussing this just the other day. We got on the subject while we were stopped at a red light. A police motorcycle approached on the opposite side and, as the policeman got to the intersection, he turned on his red lights and sirens and went through. When he got across the intersection to the other side, he turned the red lights and sirens off and continued on his merry way. It was obvious he wasn't chasing anyone.

I drive a few minutes in the morning everyday and once or twice a week with him, but my friend drives all the time. He was telling me that he's recently seen police speeding way past the limit even though they had no siren or lights on; he's seen other police running red lights; he's even seen police talking on their cell-phones and driving.

You see, the police can do that because there's two sets of laws on the books. One for peasants and mundanes like us and the other set of laws for the ruling class.

I think it's about time that people start to stand up for their rights and we make the ruling class know that we're on to their games and that we do know that they work for us... We do not work for them.

The only consolation prize we get in Japan is the police aren't shooting us with tasers, guns or beating us with truncheons... But if the police numbers keep increasing as they are and their interference with our daily lives and mundane activities continually increases, it's a sure bet that they will someday...

All we need to do is hop on a Jet plane and go to the USA to see what's going to happen.

And we pay taxes for this?

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