US Oil Embargo on Iran Collapses - Japan and Ten Other Countries Given Exemptions

Great news! As I wrote in a post on Jan. 10 of this year, Japan is out of the oil embargo against Iran. In spite of US government bluster and threats, this news has just been confirmed... Signed, sealed and delivered.

Japan pledges to buy "less" oil from Iran... Please define what "less" means?

The New York Times reports in US Exempts Japan and 10 Other Countries From Sanctions Over Iran Oil:

The Obama administration on Tuesday exempted Japan and 10 European nations from the prospect of biting sanctions intended to punish countries that continue to buy oil from Iran, but it left open the fate of other major importers, including China, India and South Korea. The sanctions, ordered by Congress late last year to intensify diplomatic and economic pressure over Iran's nuclear activities, have put the administration in the difficult position of threatening to punish some of the United States' closest allies while it seeks to squeeze Iran's main source of hard currency.

The part where it states, "...but it left open the fate of other major importers, including China, India and South Korea" is complete nonsense. The last country that can afford a trade war with China is the United States. 

The article continues with the often used Orwellian spin by the US government over the failure of US policy in the next paragraph:

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who announced the exemptions in a statement, cast them as evidence of the success of the new sanctions because the countries had cut imports. The United States, she said, was making progress in “shrinking Iran’s oil export markets and isolating its Central Bank from the world financial system.”
How is it possible that the #3 economy in the world (Japan) and the #2 economy in the world (China) not being following rank and file with US imperialist policies could be deemed, "success"? The other countries that are exempted are: Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Britain.
Yeah. That's a really successful policy by the US government when the biggest economies of the world don't participate. Who is Hillary Clinton kidding? 

This news, while expected, about non-participation of Japan is welcomed. Like I said, in spite of bluster and much back-room negotiations, Japan had already stated two months ago that they would not participate. Please refer to: Japan Finally Grows Some Balls: Oil Embargo Against Iran is an Act of War - Japan, China and S. Korea Opt Out:

Good News! Centuries of American hegemony and imperialism have just been given a black eye. Japan, following China's and South Korea's announcement, has stated that it will not abide by an oil embargo against Iran. It is the right choice. 
I think that Japan would know a thing or two about how oil embargoes lead to war. The USA under Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted an oil embargo against Japan that lead to the moderate Japanese government of the time being ousted for a more hard line militarist government that soon lead Japan into total war.
Think about it. Of course Japan has to say "No!" Not only do embargoes start wars, Japan just suffered through the nightmare of March 11, 2011. The earthquake, tsunami and then Fukushima nuclear disasters leading to half of all of Japan's electrical needs being stopped due to nuclear power plant's termination of service. Throw on top of that reconstruction costs and you have a Japan that cannot afford to pay higher bills for oil!

The US oil embargo against Iran failing is just another piece of evidence of the collapse of the US economy and the US dollar.

Hopefully, cool heads will prevail and we can start having peace break out and, instead of threats and bluster, sitting at tables and talking in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

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